"""Representation of a single glyph including contour extraction"""
from ttfquery import glyphquery
import numpy
[docs]class Glyph( object):
"""Object encapsulating metadata regarding a particular glyph"""
def __init__(self, glyphName ):
"""Initialize the glyph object
glyphName -- font's glyphName for this glyph, see
glyphquery.glyphName() for extracting the
appropriate name from character and encoding.
self.glyphName = glyphName
[docs] def compile( self, font, steps = 3 ):
"""Compile the glyph to a set of poly-line outlines"""
self.contours = self.calculateContours( font )
self.outlines = [
for contour in self.contours
self.width = glyphquery.width( font, self.glyphName )
self.height = glyphquery.lineHeight( font )
[docs] def calculateContours( self, font ):
"""Given a character, determine contours to draw
returns a list of contours, with each contour
being a list of ((x,y),flag) elements. There may
be only a single contour.
glyf = font['glyf']
charglyf = glyf[self.glyphName]
return self._calculateContours( charglyf, glyf, font )
def _calculateContours( self, charglyf, glyf, font ):
"""Create expanded contour data-set from TTF charglyph entry
This is called recursively for composite glyphs, so
I suppose a badly-formed TTF file could cause an infinite
charglyph -- glyf table's entry for the target character
glyf -- the glyf table (used for recursive calls)
charglyf.expand( font ) # XXX is this extraneous?
contours = []
if charglyf.numberOfContours == 0:
# does not display at all, for instance, space
elif charglyf.isComposite():
# composed out of other items...
for component in charglyf.components:
subContours = self._calculateContours(
dx,dy = component.getComponentInfo()[1][-2:]
# XXX we're ignoring the scaling/shearing/etceteras transformation
# matrix which is given by component.getComponentInfo()[1][:4]
subContours = [
[((x+dx,y+dy),f) for ((x,y),f) in subContour]
for subContour in subContours
flags = charglyf.flags
coordinates = charglyf.coordinates
# We need to convert from the "end point" representation
# to a distinct contour representation, requires slicing
# each contour out of the list and then closing it
last = 0
for e in charglyf.endPtsOfContours:
set = map(
contours.append( set )
last = e+1
if coordinates[last:]:
contours.append( map(
) )
return contours
[docs]def decomposeOutline( contour, steps=3 ):
"""Decompose a single TrueType contour to a line-loop
In essence, this is the "interpretation" of the font
as geometric primitives. I only support line and
quadratic (conic) segments, which should support most
TrueType fonts as far as I know.
The process consists of first scanning for any multi-
off-curve control-point runs. For each pair of such
control points, we insert a new on-curve control point.
Once we have the "expanded" control point array we
scan through looking for each segment which includes
an off-curve control point. These should only be
bracketed by on-curve control points. For each
found segment, we call our integrateQuadratic method
to produce a set of points interpolating between the
end points as affected by the middle control point.
All other control points merely generate a single
line-segment between the endpoints.
# contours must be closed, but they can start with
# (and even end with) items not on the contour...
# so if we do, we need to create a new point to serve
# as the midway...
if len(contour)<3:
return ()
set = contour[:]
def on( ((Ax,Ay),Af) ):
"""Is this record on the contour?"""
return Af==1
def merge( ((Ax,Ay),Af), ((Bx,By),Bf)):
"""Merge two off-point records into an on-point record"""
return (((Ax+Bx)/2.0),((Ay+By))/2.0),1
# create an expanded set so that all adjacent
# off-curve items have an on-curve item added
# in between them
last = contour[-1]
expanded = []
for item in set:
if (not on(item)) and (not on(last)):
expanded.append( merge(last, item))
expanded.append( item )
last = item
result = []
last = expanded[-1]
while expanded:
assert on(expanded[0]), "Expanded outline doesn't have proper format! Should always have either [on, off, on] or [on, on] as the first items in the outline"
if len(expanded)>1:
if on(expanded[1]):
# line segment from 0 to 1
result.append( expanded[0][0] )
#result.append( expanded[1][0] )
del expanded[:1]
if len(expanded) == 2: #KH
assert on(expanded[0]), """Expanded outline finishes off-curve""" #KH
result.append( expanded[1][0] ) #KH
del expanded[:1]
assert on(expanded[2]), "Expanded outline doesn't have proper format!"
points = integrateQuadratic( expanded[:3], steps = steps )
result.extend( points )
del expanded[:2]
assert on(expanded[0]), """Expanded outline finishes off-curve"""
result.append( expanded[0][0] )
del expanded[:1]
result.append( result[-1] )
return result
[docs]def integrateQuadratic( points, steps=3 ):
"""Get points on curve for quadratic w/ end points A and C
Basis Equations are taken from here:
This is a very crude approach to the integration,
everything is coded directly in Python, with no
attempts to speed up the process.
XXX Should eventually provide adaptive steps so that
the angle between the elements can determine how
many steps are used.
step = 1.0/steps
((Ax,Ay),_),((Bx,By),_),((Cx,Cy),_) = points
result = [(Ax,Ay)]
### XXX This is dangerous, in certain cases floating point error
## can wind up creating a new point at 1.0-(some tiny number) if step
## is sliaghtly less than precisely 1.0/steps
for t in numpy.arange( step, 1.0, step ):
invT = 1.0-t
px = (invT*invT * Ax) + (2*t*invT*Bx) + (t*t*Cx)
py = (invT*invT * Ay) + (2*t*invT*By) + (t*t*Cy)
result.append( (px,py) )
# the end-point will be added by the next segment...
#result.append( (Cx,Cy) )
return result